воскресенье, 06 января 2013
Пишет мне из Сан-Франциско парень по имени Карлос.
Само письмоHello Tamri,
First of all. Georgia rules!
I have been to Europe many times. But not to fascinating Georgia.
Also, have not been to Russia as well.
I want to visit both places.
If you are looking for a true friend. I am your guy.
I definitely respect Georgian Culture and Russian Culture as well.
Wow! Tamri you are a very cool girl.
You have a beautiful name. Tamri is really classy.
I am one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.
Honesty is something I value. Just looking to meet new friends.
I live here in San Francisco. Born in Los Angeles.
But grew up in El Salvador, Central America.
Spanish is my first language. Also, speak some Italian.
I don\'t speak Georgian or Russian.
Definitely like Russian Food.
Borsh is tasty. I like Vareniky and Piroshkis.
We can exchange some photos later.
I enjoy playing pool, reading interesting books, singing karaoke
and much more.
Travelling and meeting friendly people is fun.
Hopefully, you are finding this fascinating.
Then we can keep in touch. It will be wonderful.
Tamri you are an awesome girl.
I hope to visit historic Tbilisi someday.
Take good care.
All the best.
Keep well and keep cool.
I would love to help you improve your English.
Tamri you are a ray of sunshine.
Let\'s get this new friendship started.
I look forward to your reply.
Ciao sweetie. 
Я столько смеялась, какая прелесть. Если мы продолжим общение и будет много лулзов, то мне придется создать новый тэг. СПЕШАЛ ФОР ХИМ.
and Piroshkis.